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A daily word, its definition, and an example of its usage.

The word conscript has appeared in 23 New York Times articles in the past year, including on July 4 in "Military Reasserts Its Allegiance to Its Privileges" by Ben Hubbard:

  • Egypt has the largest standing military in the Arab world, estimated at 450,000 troops. Most are conscripts and low-ranking officers who have little opportunity for advancement.
  • For decades, however, its tens of thousands of elite officers have jealously guarded their privileged station. They live as a class apart, with their own social clubs, hotels, hospitals, parks and other benefits financed by the state.


Financial Times February 28, 2014

"Politicians can improve the world but only bit by bit. Try something small, that's easily reversed. If it works, scale it up. If not, you drop it"
Simon Kuper

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