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A daily word, its definition, and an example of its usage.

The word apolitical has appeared in 50 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Aug. 22 in "Seeking Suffrage, Hong Kong Activists Plan 'Occupy' Movement" by Didi Kirsten Tatlow:

  • Hong Kong, once broadly derided as an apolitical, money-obsessed "cultural desert," is today riven with political passions as the forces for and against democracy seem headed for collision - sparked, ironically, by Beijing's own promises to introduce universal suffrage in 2017.
  • Positions are being staked out. At political rallies tempers have flared and small-scale street brawls have broken out, incidents that some commentators have likened to the thuggery that accompanied the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. The democracy camp says people sent by the powerful local triads have begun attacking demonstrators in an effort to support the unpopular administration of Hong Kong's chief executive, Leung Chun-ying, who is widely seen as unwilling to push for greater democracy.


Financial Times February 28, 2014

"Politicians can improve the world but only bit by bit. Try something small, that's easily reversed. If it works, scale it up. If not, you drop it"
Simon Kuper

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